Call 360-379-8800 to schedule a talk to your group.
Invite Kimber Rotchford, MD to speak to your organization, community, clinic or tribe about the treatment of Pain and Addiction.
What you need to know. Get informed. Learn more. Information on booking a date.
Week One: Addiction as a Chronic Brain Disease
If one does not have an understandings of the biological underpinnings of addiction it makes understanding and offering solutions more challenging.
Week two: Different Strokes for Different Folks
How one manages one addiction often overlaps with other addictions but the differences need to be appreciated if optimal outcomes obtained.
Week Three: Winning Combinations!
What are some of the basic principles that guide us in promoting optimal outcomees both for patients and their communities
Week Four: System Approach!
Addictions are socially induced and promoted. What is a system’s approach and why is it so important in the prevention and treatment of addictions.
To schedule Kimber Rotchford, MD for a speaking engagement with your organization call 360-379-8800.